Counter-Strike 2


It seems the first CS2 case will be a re-release… Thank you Skinsmonkey:


  1. I like Anomaly… Anomaly also likes his friends so where’s my skins 😂

    Imagine just releasing the knife with rust coat only…

  2. this new case with the old revolution skins are almost 100% placeholders, valve knows better than recycling old content, they know players won't like it, if they really wanted to release the new models for old skins they'd just update it lik how they did with the cs2 release on skins like the usp whiteout getting the new model

  3. Yeah, there’s zero chance they rerelease the skins. Firstly, nobody wants it. If anything they will just replace the existing skins with new modeled. Secondly, nobody wants rereleased skins. We are all waiting on some content whether it be maps, game modes, or skins.

  4. "I think it might be Revolution Case again"
    – Bro knows how to make a video, plays CSGO for years, says that he has deep knowledge of skins, trades… never heard of placeholder names.

    "They already did that in DotA"
    – No they didnt, they took existing items and recolo(u)red them (and their abilities in case of Immortals) for ex. to fit the theme of new BP. To my knowledge there was never a case of re-releasing the same items 1:1.

  5. Valve sucks wiener bro instead of just fixing the tick problem by going for 128 tick servers they just slurp as much money by releasing these fkn cases
    I mean its cool but doesnt trully add anything

  6. It's clear this is a player grab tactic by Valve, of course they show off the top tier patterns. The game is losing players due to problems with the game, investors & big spenders backing out is the last thing they want. >Show off top tier patterns >players make yt videos >people spend

  7. i can with 100% certainty say that this new case wont be a re-release, but that they're using the revolution case skins as placeholders.
    also to touch on the kukri knife, while i do think we could see gamma/chroma finishes come before the vanillas, i do believe they are yet again testing for the future.

  8. That's great!We gonna have new case,new knife with same shit game,that's awesome :)) everyone wants this instead a better game experience <3

  9. Its either the revolution skins are just placeholders for the actual skins OR they are indeed going to re release skins for the new models

  10. Im almost certain they use those as placeholders and they swap the string out on the official release.

  11. Those skins are 90% surerly placeholder skins. Aint no way they are going to re-release the same skins with the lack of content CS2 had already. Would only make more people leave. Having 2 types of the same skin would work so weird on the market as well

  12. As cool as a new knife/operation is and all, please just fix the game instead first lmao

  13. I think items in leaked case might just be placeholders so as not to leak the whole thing prematurely. Surely the won’t just re-release a case with exact same skins with the only difference being a new knife

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