FPS Games

Apex Legends Fan Are Cheering The Games Downfall…

Apex Legends Fan Are Cheering The Games Downfall…Soon after the conclusion of the Post Malone event, Respawn introduced the Uprising Collection event with a new suite of collectibles and a new LTM. Fans have since labeled the LTM as the “worst ever” for poor balancing issues. Fan ire has filled the game’s Reddit threads with numerous posts targeting issues like matchmaking, audio, skin pricing, and ranked play. Reddit user FloorAgile3458 perfectly summed up the experience in a scathing post where they started with a comparison to Warzone, another title that’s had its fair share of issues.
#apexlegendsnews #apexlegends #apexlegendsseason19


  1. if you want the truth i quit cause its boring and its no fun while if i go over to warzone 3 its so much fun due to slide cancel being added back if you ask me if they want players add wall running and they will be back up there

  2. I hope this game dies, this game has been my favorite ever since I started playing (since loba came out I forget the season) and I never got bored of it, but the last few seasons just have nothing to offer, I've started playing fortnite and warzone alot more because they add new stuff, whether that be mid season or start of the season, they always have crazy new stuff to offer

  3. Bro is the finals even taking players away from anything it’s a good game but I think it’s more call of duty fortnite and r6 everyone been playing recently atleast on console

  4. The only reason I could be concerned about the player count dropping it's not because of people are moving away from Apex because of other games Apex will come back in some Shape way or form unless because of this reduced player count EA move on to something else which would be really unfortunate

  5. I only play this game because I hope and pray that they'll make Titanfall 3, my logic being if I support their stupid battle Royale then maybe they'll make the next iteration in the Titanfall franchise.
    I know I'm wrong, I know it'll never happen, I'm even cried a couple times over it, I admit. But in this dark and dreary dystopia we live in, one can hope… One can hope.

  6. This is my favorite game I've ever played and I sincerely hope and pray respawn takes this serious and FIXES it I've spent so much on this game and I truly would be broken hearted because not even just that I have invested all that cash but my time as well and I'm finally GOOD lol like cmonnnnn man this game has the potential to blow the genre out of the water if they would just stop being so Damn greedy without also respecting fans and customers wants and needs in the game honestly they wouldn't be reporting losses if they would first off make their in game purchases CHEAPER (I know I know it's free to play) but I'm sure even a casual fan would agree 160 is WILD for in game stuff just spitballing but even a drop to half that price your going to see potentially almost TRIPLE! The sales and revenue. if this was done combined with more regular maintenance and more aggressive improvements based off the audience and what they have to say the reason for the decline is because these people aren't BASHING apex itself to the contrary they LOVE the game and only voice their opinion is because of that fact so when these issues go un answered and unchecked and un fixed that feels like a REAL slap in the face by respawn

  7. This is what happens when you become overly GREEDY. CoD is going down the same path. Oh well it was cool while it lasted

  8. They should raffel panel seats occupied by true fans and active players as reps for the fan base and ACTUALLY implement some of the suggestions and improvement ideas that come from that panel. THAT WOULD TAKE APEX TO THE APEX 💯💯

  9. Apex should fix it serve and refresh rate… stop adding all the shit that keeps breaking the game and start fixing the shit that been broken since the beginning…

  10. The only reason I stopped playing is because of the aim bit that is sometimes good and then sometimes hinders you, also because of the darn match making they kept putting me in the very good player lobbies and as a result I got mostly 0 kills, oh and what's with the rank going to 0 after each season I never reached the high ranks f this games devs

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