If the developers added an audible footstep radius, why not add a bomb blast radius so you can visualize where you can’t be hit by a blast wave?

If the developers added an audible footstep radius, why not add a bomb blast radius so you can visualize where you can’t be hit by a blast wave?


  1. Assuming it’s only visible when you’ve actually seen the bomb as CT. I like it.

  2. You still wouldn’t know the amount of exact damage you’d take, so I don’t think it will be that helpful. Learning the approximate radius (going into a bot game and testing) would solve this, but yeah.

  3. Its kinda funny (and sad) that valve added the footstep radius and an indicator what way teammates are looking. But removed the indicator if your teammates are above or under you..

  4. GER_BeFoRe

    Because you would take like 1 damage at this radius and still have no clue where you would survive with for example 24hp left so what’s the point.

    You can experience it by yourself where you take damage and where not while to know if footsteps can be heard from position A if you make them on position B you always need two Persons which is incredibly more difficult to learn.

    Footsteps are a yes/no thing while bomb damage can range from 0 to 100 which also makes it easier to display with a circle on the radar.

    On top of that having two circles (Footsteps+Bomb Radius) on the radar makes visibility worse.

  5. The explosion is a sphere, not a circle. It would be a challenge to represent it in a 2D map since vertical changes affect it

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