Counter-Strike 2

stabbi to Astralis, NRG enter NA CS2 and gla1ve joins ENCE


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SOME NEWS!!!!!!!


0:00 – Intro
0:28 – Astralis
4:28 – NRG
8:08 – ENCE


  1. Stabbi is a great name for that duo considering how they back stabbed cadian…

  2. i think putting an osee on a roster with the rest of these guys is a good way to turn him into brehze 2

  3. Long term faze fan. I want these 4 to stay together but think the only org that could afford to is Falcons. Would be some monkey paw shit

  4. buzz is shit, even if staehr didnt cost them shit they would keep him over buzz, just because staehr has proven himself in the past to have star capability, buzz has never even shown anything good, only reason he got picked up was because device told them to give him a chance

  5. Hey @lau
    I bought a T-Shirt from the old store but I guess the site is offline now. Any way I can still see the progress of the delivery?

  6. Staher was 600K??? wasn't that how much nip also paid for brollan?? Wow thats such ballsy purchase on an unproven Danish player

  7. i honestly believe that Gla1ve will do great, people tend to forget that he had no decent awper to work with, drama with k0nfig, blameF undermining (kind of) his authority. watched the games today and there is already a big difference, Snappi's Ence was all about pushing, exploding and overpowering, but today you could see more patience and utility usage. It is not entertaining as the explosive style, but this guy had only 3/4 days with the current team and you can see an impact already.

  8. Blud glaive is sitting at a 1.0 rating now after the heinous debut match. He has still got it. I'm seeing some shaly crosshair placement, some lazy movement but let him cook. I think he will step it up. And people are forgetting that glaive, even on that broken astralis roster would pop off.

  9. I think with snappi he does the most outside the server, like analyzing games and then setting his team up with the knowledge so they can do stuff in game.

    Anytime ence does something crazy in game, its always the riflers calling pushes or lurking perfectly, he allows his players to use their intuition.

  10. glaive play with 2 anchor, and then come ego-centric blameF, ruin everything in Astralis
    in ENCE, he has what he lost bc of blameF, dycha and maden play both anchor and lurker, duo firepower in nertz and sunpayus

  11. Unfortunately for blame and device I now have to wholehearted root against Astralis because of backstavbbi joining.

    Also, Buzz had so many sick rounds in Blast Fall Final. And Staer? Like what, two or three double kills? The team looks a lot better with Buzz instead of Staer.

  12. shame oSee couldn't go to complexity but i hope if he grows and frags out on NRG he might go to coL in the future

  13. I think gla1ve is a bit self unaware. When he isn’t top fragging he makes terrible calls and bottom frags. I think he needs to just focus on doing his job (not giving up sites, making calls) and letting the talented players in ENCE to carry him

  14. Hext is still a question mark, NA needs more talents man. Dude is so loud and acted he is better than anyone, kinda like he thought he is Twistzz or wanted to be Twistzz. Every game I watched, he did either mid shit or in the bottom of the table worse than the IGL.

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