Counter-Strike 2

How to spot a cheater in CS2

Cheaters in Counter Strike 2 are running rampant, but most of them basically have “cheater” tattooed on their forehead. In this video, I give tips to help you identify 99% of cheaters.

I’ve been extremely busy lately, so I didn’t have time to do my usual editing with After Effects & Photoshop. My nvidia filters also were bugging so that couldn’t even help me. I apologize for the raw gameplay. However, I do hope this clears things about how I’m supposedly a cheater.


  1. Damn kero is so good he can even get kills while jumping. What a sigh to behold.

  2. considering some services offer medals on the cheat accounts or commend boosted i dont think its a good tell imo. Also i think some cheaters justify their cheating by claiming the other side is cheating. I think it helps them rationalize it.

  3. Ty, but I don't need an explanation to recognize cheaters when I see them. you are 100% one.

  4. You didnt point out what farmed accounts look like from the 2016-2018 era.

    I see so many accounts with only medals from then now fragging out.

  5. newgen lazy selfbust vids no good in game examples of playstyle or bought account profiles part doesnt make sense I thought hackers and cheaters were different things you on some too good to be true cringe day(s) since last ban doesn't matter?

  6. I feel like i'm zigzagging through the premier elo system, and i am not talking about me meeting my skill gap. almost every other game i take i meet one of these people that has perfect timing, they make the weirdest plays goes away from a bomb laying on ground only to kill everyone, insta hs around corners entire match we are lucky if we get 4 rounds in those kind of games. and then we can go on another game with people with even higher elo and do a fair game that goes both ways and are close where we usually win. you can just feel it when your having a legit game and when your not if you know what to look for that is. feel like im never gonna go higer than 14k elo…

  7. If you type โ€œtoggle rage nnโ€ in the chat box 5 times, then a mysterious entity known as an animated cheat tag will appear next the names of everyone on the enemy team

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