Counter-Strike 2

Counter Strike was Never Good at Release

CS games always didn’t have the best launch, so let’s explore them and see what they were like

Aero the Acro-bat – Opening Theme (No Intro)
Excitebike 64 – Mountain Quarry, The Gravel Pit, Blizzard Blitz, and Credits
Perfect Dark- Alien Conflict
Half Life 2- intro
Deus Ex – Lebedev’s Airfield – Combat
CS Conditon Zero – Drug Lab

Downloads and versions I used:
CS 1.0
CSS 2005
demo_viewer -for pre 2013/1/9 beta branch on steam

Intro- 0:00
Counter Strike – 0:51
Counter Strike Source – 3:48
CS:GO – 6:46
Counter Strike 2 – 10:19
Outro – 11:08

#counterstrike #counterstrike2 #counterstrikeglobaloffensive #counterstrike1.6 #counterstrikevideo
Counter Strike was Never Good on Release
Counter-Strike Release Issues
Counter Strike 2 Release version
Counter Strike Broken Release
Counter Strike Games were always bad at release
#videoessay #explained #counterstrikebugs #videogame


  1. I am aware the CS 1.0 menu UI isn't the WON version but I forgot to mention I couldn't get that to work, (it would still look the same as won hl so I'm not wrong on that)
    And yes CS2 release is bad I am not trying to diminish or excuse it

  2. In the CS:S section you can get the 2004 version if you look up the Half Life 2 collections cd iirc it includes CS:S

  3. You fail to make your point.

    Yes your critics is valid for both Source and 1.0, but at the time both games were considered great. They were good at release, they just weren’t the CS quality we uphold today.

  4. there is a thread on HLTV about cs:go when it released. Almost all complaints from cs2 are interchangeable with complaints from that

  5. CS:Source wasn't the worst game in the franchise however it was the most neglected by both Valve and the Community outside of CS:CZ. I always preferred Source over 1.6 but most did not.

  6. I don't know how, but you took almost everything wrong for cs go. Especially when you say it "looked new" in frame with inferno on 7:12 .
    First of all, things didn't looked promising. I've checked old forumes, in new cs people saw only copying hype from cod.
    Second, there wasn't any ranks, so competitive mode isn't actually competitive, it's just a 30 rounds match where random players still can connect even in the middle of match. And classic maps is such a joke. In your footage 4 out of 8 maps(without vertigo) is just strait up ports from css, without retexturing and rework(closing few minor roads ISN'T rework).
    And your wordd about "balance" of m4's and usp/p2000 is hilarious. Still remember how in cs neo with dynamic prices deagle costed like 8000 dollars, just because people buying it more that usp/glock.
    Bugs also was hilarious. Flying with grenades, not-working bullets, commands for artificial ping and advantage with it, all of this just never existed, it's me who crazy here.
    You don't like gray seriousness? Well, okay, it's only opinion, this I can understand. But call bizon useless? It's easier to control than p90, faster reloads, and even have more bullets. Remember modes from 2017, especially casual mode with heavy armor? Well, bizon is literally the only weapon that I could kill them with.
    There are only 2 reasons why cs go became more popular than 1.6 and source, and "make actually better game" isn't one of them. 1)valve manually killed cybersport in old cs, both 1.6 and source. 2)skins, hat simulator like tf2. And that's it. Globally nothing changed since then. Valve just effectively killed community servers with official servers, skins, and operations. Some new players may know about gungame("arms race"), but not fun maps like de_rats, where have we gone?
    P.s. stockholm syndrome is going hard on youtube now

  7. clicking the video just to mention you could have stopped the title at "counter strike was never good"

  8. I never asked for CS2, i paid 15$ to play CSGO i don't get why we can't have this now, this is so selfish and weird, CSGO was finally polished to perfection and here they are releasing CS2 which has bugs all over the place and bad hit boxes, they really pulled an overwatch 2 on us and it's just sad.

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