Counter-Strike 2

ropz cs2 demo review

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0:14 – Intro
2:00 – DEEMO
18:15 – conclusion

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  1. โ€œOh! Ropz knife name is soo-jond-, Soo-jond-ese, soo-jon-desay .โ€ His knifes name is sugondese. Like sug on deez nutz! ๐Ÿ˜‚

  2. Love the demo reviews just the way they are. Breakdowns of why good players are good always helps people learn to play, even if it's just reiterating information you already know.

  3. I really learned somethin about the game here good job! My new favorite content of yours

    maybe toggle x-ray after you've played the round out once or sufficiently explained it. good shit

  4. @lau theres a program called epicpen that you could try to use instead of paint, it basically just lets you draw as an overlay so you can do it overtop of the demo instead of having to do your masterful picassos in paint.

  5. love the demo review setup Launders. Good that you watch it with us and pick up on stuff as you see it. Great content brother.

    Glad the demo review tools are better in CS2 as well! Must make life a lot easier!

  6. Also, what about print screening an angle in game and then copy + pasting into paint? Then you can just highlight over it in white pen or something? ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. I can't explain how happy this video makes me <3
    Edit – Rapid Fire Feedback:
    Love the live reaction setup, demo reviews feel right when they're a fresh watch along.
    Paint segments are a great addition for visual explanations they fit perfectly into the format.

  8. i just won a streaming camera from rivalry and just wanted to say thank you to introducing me to them

  9. Coach, can you go back to x-ray off on the next demos? Thanks for the amazing content as always

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