FPS Games

How Call of Duty Reinvented The First-Person Shooter

For the 20th anniversary of Call of Duty, IGN takes a retrospective look at how the WW2 shooter reinvented the FPS, with help from one of the original developers, Mackey McCandlish, who worked at Infinity Ward from 2002 to 2010, as a designer.

From the original Call of Duty, to console ports, and Modern Warfare, here’s how Call of Duty 1 reinvented the first-person shooter, while honouring games before it, like Medal of Honor.

#IGN #Gaming #CallOfDuty


  1. Call of duty change video game forever not fps

    Zero improvement or new gameplay was brought by call of duty towards fps genre

    What call of duty brought was Hollywood level story in video games.

    Genre changing fps are

    Halo (enemy a.i. squad based attack)
    Project reality/ squad game
    Fear strong a.i.

    Far cry Rpg fps

  2. 1:26 That music gives me shivers from nostalgia, its the crossing of the Volga from finest hour. Amazing soundtrack.

  3. Medal of honors was such a suspenseful game and the old war footage that they used was amazing

  4. wish the conflict desert storm games didn't die, those were the pinnacle of my PS2 gaming. preferred the open ended nature of those to the scripted and restrictive Call of Duty games.

  5. It ruined gaming because it signalled to developers like Ubisoft sports game developers and others kthat you can rehash your games with very little changes and gamers will buy it. Gamers are partly responsible for this too but COD stifled innovation in the industry forever. Look at the iconic games that all came out before the invention of COD vs what we get now days.

  6. Too bad people don't realise how many patents for in game systems they have, purely made to exploit player psychology. It's literally their whole market strategy and how cod has stayed addictive.

  7. Back when you can just read your briefing and then jump into the game instead of watching a movie and getting less gameplay.

  8. COD is a staple in gaming, I have hundreds of games and I primarily play COD. it kinda scuks because I have no time for other games and nothing can top it.

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