Counter-Strike 2

Breaking Down CS2’s Premier Mode: What’s Wrong and How to Fix It

Thanks to skinsmonkey for sponsoring this video! Check them out here:

CS2 is finally out for realsies and premier mode is officially the main competive gamemode for counter-strike. I think that overall, this is a step forwards for the competetive balance of the game. However, premier isnt perfect, and counter-strike should strive for perfection. In this video, I lay out a few simple ways in which I think premier mode could be improved.

If you read this, comment “Hey, at least my premier rating is higher than Neymars!”

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Music used:
Bail Bonds – I Feel it all So Deeply
Tekken OST – Kitsch
Sonic Mania OST – Mirage Saloon Act
Everhood OST – At The Race Track
Earthbound OST – Enjoy Your Stay

#cs2 #CSGO #Penguin


  1. they need to use more data points for determining rank gain/loss. Right now it feels like it’s based off W/L and becomes extremely punishing when you are on a loss streak. It doesn’t matter if you are performing well or its a close game

  2. I’m 5000ish gn3ish player, whose has a high trust factor. I really like premier so far, thought a lot of my games I play much higher rated players and can’t lose Elo. I like it better than the rank system. I have only faced cheaters in beta and I only know that because of VAC live, which I don’t think exists at this point. Peekers advantage is the only real gripe I have with gameplay currently.

    My other main complaint is the lack of all other modes which is sickening since they didn’t include.

  3. 3/10 of my placements on day 2 had cheaters. i've seen about one every 1/8 games. csgo i saw one about 1/30 games.. ive given up on mm and gone off to faceit, its unplayable. by the time the ranks settle in 4 more months i'll hope they dont have a reset

  4. I haven't played comp in a long time and I'd say CS2 premiere competitive mode is a complex topic on its own. I'll stick to casual and deathmatch though I seriously miss arms race.

  5. I've also not had any games with cheaters. Its probably because my account is relatively old with a high trust factor.

  6. One thing to also note is the tickeate metric is garbage cause thats taken from normal players. Good players can tell the difference between 128 tick and 64 tick semi reliably, movement and spraying being usually the largest factor. I think someone did a test recently and ropz was able to tell 100 percent of the time.

  7. Cheat market got so big and organized nowaday, and in terms of security there is no such perfect method that stops every single incursion, AC will breached eventually.

    We need constant game changers since it's hard to stop cheat devs even with the laws and I think intrusive AC is not good enough.

    Maybe that's why valve is trying to rely on AI by developing VAC live in the first place, even though it's doesn't looks like it's working that well :d

  8. Also a big problem is the random elo gain. You win 3 games get 200 elo each then suddenly lose the 4th game which happend to be a -500 elo one lol Literally hours of gaming with a 75% winrate and almost not gaining any actual elo

  9. just put the intrusive AC exclusive to the premier mode! if you're just a casual player you wont need it, but if you intend to go premier you'll need to have the intrusive AC on

  10. what dude, i never cared abt csgo ranking, but im really grinding at cs2 ranks, my goal is to reach the global leaderboard, seing how much you will win or loose is such a game changer for me

  11. CS has had intrusive anticheat since before 1.6. Punkbuster and other options existed, none of which valve has ever included with their game, qnd none of which valve will ever add to their game.
    Almost 10years ago the CSGO playerbase begged for 128tick,… incessantly. And here we are with CS2– not a care at all was given to what the players want.

  12. your videos are cool man, keep it up
    CS2 got me into playing with friends again, really liking it so far

  13. as someone who got booted out of games for being openly queer several times, no 4 stack is a good change, keep it thank you

  14. the real solution to cheating is not intrusive anticheat, its requiring players to show their government id to play competetive, this is how south korea does it and it would very easily allow for criminal charges to be pressed against cheaters

  15. I think if CS:GO was still playable the strong dislike of sub tick people would continue to play on CS:GO. I think there's going to be a time limit before cs players are going to reject sub tick when everyone is saying "let Valve cook."

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