FPS Games

EVE Vanguard Aims to Be the EVE FPS That Dust 514 Wasn’t

We got our first look at an early version of EVE Vanguard, the extraction-style first-person shooter that aims to do for EVE Online what Dust 514 could not. Previewed by Leana Hafer.


  1. Okay… Lets try this again.
    Hopefully it will stick now that it will be on PC and not a PS3 exclusive… that was a weird choice.

  2. Guys, give it a chance. It’s free. You all will blindly dump money on a pricey pre-order that likely will turn out to be a busted game.
    This is free and you lose nothing by at least giving it a shot. These kinds of devs need players to justify even trying to make this kind of ambitious game work

  3. Imagine a world where an EVE online captain can hire an EVE Vanguard pilot to extract so and so item for the captain so they can build something while lining the pilot's pocket or arsenal

  4. CCP is silly. PVPVE? Exoprimal? So why can’t they rebuild Dust 514, hire FPS devs, and build! If released on PC and console, free to play and rebuilt without unnecessary world connection to EVE, it would be unique! What’s the options? Busted Battlefield? COD? Then we move to battle royale games. Smh CCP just doesn’t get it. This will be cancelled like…


  5. They lost me at extraction shooter. EVE has tons of different things to do, not one thing repeated over and over.

  6. thats not footage of Dust 514. thats a trailer for a game that was supposed to replace Dust, but was dropped in the end. its a cinematic trailer too, not gameplay

  7. They stole the sci-fi concept of remotely controlled soldiers from warframe lol. It's a nive concept nontheless

  8. This game is incredibly hard to make but Im' happy to see them giving this a go. The concept is a dream of so many developers since the first Battlefield days.

  9. Finalmente Graças a Deus , GP MACHINE melhor tank Br estára presente 🎁 novamente 😊

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