Been having these black squares pop up on my screen every now and then and wondering what is the cause?

They only really pop up when I’m using chrome and I’ve spotted them on both monitors


  1. ClassNext

    is that the video of britney spears dancing with the knifes?

  2. sofakingwetoddted

    bad driver or update maybe? but also looks like vram starting to bad though it usually covers the whole screen in squares similar to that.

  3. It’s a known bug with nvidia drivers. Nothing is wrong with your gpu. To fix this, go to chrome://flags/#use-angle and change it to OpenGL or D3D9.

  4. GLHFToyStory

    I think your graphic card may be overheating. I seen artifacts on screen when graphic cards overheated before.

  5. Minimum-Impression63

    I’ve started to have this issue randomly the past few days. Fairly new 3080ti. Just did an update about a week ago for the driver. It’s not an overheating problem for sure. Probably a driver issue. It only lasts a second and then it’s gone.

  6. If you’re lucky it’s just drivers or, as others have suggested, just changing a browser setting. I’ve seen exactly this happen during a power point presentation as well and a driver update fixed it, thankfully. Yes, we have a 3060 in a work computer lol.

  7. SpringBonnie21

    yea, i got a new pc and got this a lot and was worried my gpu was faulty, but disabling hardware accel fixes it. chrome is just dogshit

  8. smart345bond

    Disable hardware acceleration when available in chrome setting. HW video decoding is broken on chrome rn

  9. TheDurandalFan

    if you’re using an Nvidia GPU go to chrome://flags and try changing the angle graphics backend in chrome to OpenGL or D3D9.

  10. Infinatie

    I thought I was going insane. Oh man I could never take a photo of it. Thank you so much

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