FPS Games

Alvo VR – Launch Trailer | PS VR2 Games


ALVO is a fast-paced PvP first person shooter. Choose from 5 different game modes in either private or public matches; Free-for-all, Team Deathmatch, Hardpoint, Search & Destroy and Zombies. ALVO benefits from both manual and button reload systems, fully customisable individual weapon offsets along with many more adjustments to make the game suit your play style.

#ps5 #psvr2 #psvr2games

May contain content inappropriate for children. Visit http://www.esrb.org for rating information.


  1. New dynamic lighting? I didn't see a single character casting any shadow or muzzle flash. The music though, I really like the choice of music for this trailer. It's the only reason i watched the whole thing and don't regret it.

  2. we need a demo with 2 stages to understand for what we pay !!! why we dond have demo play for vr ???

  3. Awesome trailer team! Can't wait to jump back in now that it's coming to PSVR2. Missed it so much!!!!

  4. In 2023 with the number of options available, there's no excuse for your game engine to look three generations old.

  5. Question: Psvr and PSvr2, players will be still stay in the same server lobby ?

  6. Why they play the Ugly RPG explosion anime over and over again? Look the Crossfire Sierra Squad – Launch Trailer, It looks like PS2 VS PS5.

  7. Playstation upload this & Crossfire: Sierra Squad at the same time which looks 3 generations ahead lol 🙈

  8. This is relieving to see after firewall and crossfire both being major letdowns. Hopefully it's as fun as it looks

  9. Otro más de psvr1….Vuestra nueva generación es vendernos lo que ya jugamos hace años. Poca vergüenza 😠

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