FPS Games


I hope you guys enjoy this video and let me know what you think in the comments! #valorant


  1. remember that you don't always have to do this. swinging while being as close as you can to a wall will make you faster to an enemy contrary to peeking from farther away. this will take the enemies off guard and would probably help you get some picks here and there

  2. Seems useful and I’ve never thought about how close I am to the wall when I peak in that instance, thank you Sena.

  3. It’s not always the best decision, a wide swing close to the wall can be the better option but it depends on the situation and ping.

  4. But does it really matter? In higher ranks you usually jump peek first when ur pushing a site. And when ur further from the corner you shift peek because u have angle advantage and when ur close to an angle you want to peek fast. Or am i just wrong here let me know

  5. sometimes i see pros peeking close to the wall and they 1 tap someone instantly so both are good?

  6. the real question is DO YOU SENA ever have those games where u get insta one-tapped 😭

  7. Whenever you don't have angle advantage (or the enemies knows your location) you should maximize timing and peeker advantage: stay close to the wall to be faster and be exposed less time (go back to cover right after in this situation)

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