If I need to connect an 8-pin and six pin connector to my GPU, should I use two separate PCIe cables or should I use one piece cable and use the other PCI connector attached to the same cable as shown in the picture?

If I need to connect an 8-pin and six pin connector to my GPU, should I use two separate PCIe cables or should I use one piece cable and use the other PCI connector attached to the same cable as shown in the picture?


  1. If possible, use two separate cables. This will reduce the load on eaxh individual cable and can therefore reduce the probability of failure due to heat

  2. DonTipOff

    Those connectors are 6 and 8pin. It’s optional. If you need the extra 2 you squeeze them together to get your 8.

  3. Chenzy_Boy2

    2 separate cables. Usually the ones that pass through the main are thinner gauge. Even if they aren’t…still best for 2 separate for throughput.

    2 separate will always handle the load better than 1 with pass through.

  4. I don’t understand the logic behind recommending separate cables for the GPU. Maybe in the old days of multi rail PSUs prevailing but not nowadays I think.

    Properly built single rail PSU and cables should be able to handle anything up to handle 216 to 288Ws PER connector.

    Maybe if you’re using sketch PSU with questionable cable configuration, maybe.

  5. Familiar_Piece_1172

    What GPU are you using? 9 out of 10 times you can use “pigtails”.

  6. Familiar_Piece_1172

    The irony here is that people will tell you to use two separate cables….. and then proceed to say that “extensions are ok.”

  7. LJBrooker

    Pigtailed connectors are fine so long as you’re not using a high tgp card. Anything under 300w or so is almost certainly fine pigtailed.

  8. Asleeper135

    People always say use separate cables, but if there was danger in providing those combo cables then manufacturers wouldn’t provide them.

  9. chris10023

    I can use the pigtailed ones with a strix 3070, right?

  10. kingy10005

    My general rule is if it’s pulling more than 250 w use separate cables for each port. I don’t think it’s unsafe just worse thing I’ve seen is card hitting power issues where it won’t perform as good or boost properly when trying to pull over a set amount. Was using a HX power supply so most likely safety limit built into how much it will let down a single cable.

  11. It really doesn’t matter. I had this same question and contacted EVGA to ask their support and they told me it makes no difference. Not completely satisfied, I did a ridiculous amount of overclocking my gpu in both configurations and my highest score I achieved was suing the single cable with pigtail end.

  12. Noobeaterz

    Commonly all gpus with two separate power connectors will need two separate cables from the Psu to run at full spec. But in a pinch, you can get the computer running with such a cable pictured. I even once had one proper eight pin and the other eight pin being a two molex into an eight pin adapter and it worked. It was some time ago though with an ATI card.

  13. Digital-Delusions

    Common wisdom on the internet proclaims you must use two separate power cables when attaching two 6- or 8-pin power connectors to a graphics card. According to some, using just one cable is a danger. Others say at the very least, you could be leaving performance on the table—a sad prospect, as typically only high-end graphics cards need that much power, and so you won’t get your money’s worth.

    But like with most advice on forums and social media, what started as a reasonable guideline has been boiled down to an oversimplified rule lacking nuance. You can use a single cable’s multiple power connectors without fear of harm to your graphics card or tanking its performance. It’s usually fine.

    Yes, truly. PC World testing, they’ve found a negligible difference in framerate output between using a single cable with two daisy-chained connectors, or using two separate cables (one for each connector). You’ll see one or two frames fewer per second with the single cable setup, if you see any difference at all.

    When is it less okay? Well, primarily when your power supply’s manual (or warranty) states explicitly to use two cables, which is generally based on your card’s power draw. You can also err on the side of caution when you’ve got high ambient temperatures and a card that’s extremely power hungry or prone to sharp power spikes, and you don’t want to risk your PSU’s power cables becoming too hot (or more than just hot). Rolling along with one cable is still possible in both scenarios, but you’re now taking on higher risk.

    You can still use two cables—it works fine, too. But you won’t get that setup’s intended benefit unless you have a power supply with more than one 12V rail for a graphics card to pull electricity from. When you plug in two PCIe power cables from such a PSU, you’ll draw power from each rail separately. So even if your card has a very sharp spike, you’ve reduced the risk that it could exceed the maximum available power.

    Back in the day, graphics cards were less power efficient, and so power supplies with multiple 12V rails were more common. Nowadays, outside of very high-end power supplies, most have only a single 12V rail providing all the juice needed for today’s modern, lower-wattage cards.

    The one caveat to this advice is when using third-party power cables. The OEM cables that came with your power supply are robust. Aftermarket cables may not be as well-made. Good ones rely on thicker-gauge wire; choose that variety if going with just a single PCIe power cable for your graphics card. Thinner-gauge wire doesn’t allow as much power through them, reducing the maximum draw supported, and so a single, flimsier cable may not be able to transfer all the electricity your graphics card requires. Splitting that job between two cables will help.

  14. Keep0nBuckin

    Always two cables. Two seperate cables.

    You could get away with one sometimes , but that depends on the gpu, and honestly no reason to take a risk.

  15. Suitable-Shame1341

    always two seperate, jeesh if you dont know that then yiu should buy an console

  16. Its_butterrs

    every day with this question, yall know how to search for stuff?

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