FPS Games

What’s The Best New FPS To Play This Summer?!

First impressions gameplay and thoughts on BattleBit Remastered, Trepang2, Warhammer 40,000 Boltgun, and Six Days In Fallujah! It’s Summer 2023, but what’s the best new FPS to play?!
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00:00 Intro
00:20 BattleBit Remastered
01:58 Trepang2
03:29 Six Days In Fallujah
05:11 Warhammer 40k Boltgun
06:59 The Definitive FPS Documentary

#FPS #FirstPersonShooter #Gameplay


  1. I wish i could like boltgun like i see some people do

    Its just pretty barebones to me and i don't see the love for its shotgun

    Its nowhere near the quality of dusk, ion maiden, cultic or even amid evil

    It even reuses every single boss and the ai are pretty braindead

    I can't deny the guns sound deseign is good at least, and for the less tanky enemies all the guns feel good just not the shotgun which just feels weak

  2. Been meaning to start HROT and the System Shock remake soon. Heard Amnesia: The Bucker is good too, but that’s a bit more of a horror game.

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