Cyberpunk 2077

V…I’m so sorry😭 context in post description lmao

So basically I'm a noob, I only play this game when I feel like shooting a bunch of stuff

I noticed i had a bunch of consumables taking up space in my backpack

I didnt know what to do with them…so I had V consume all 60+ items at once😅😅😅😭😭😭

I dont use consumables in this game so i have no clue what any of this stuff does

I just spammed consume until all the items were out of my characters backpack

I probably gave V hepatitasphyphilis…sorry choom

I think that's like 8 status effects on screen? I dont even know


  1. DedicatedDetective34

    *A merc consumed too many flinstone gummies. Here’s what happened.*

    Uploaded by FatCassowary

  2. Roids-in-my-vains

    That’s just a Johnny Silverhand regular Sunday afternoon

  3. “I dont use consumables in this game so i have no clue what any of this stuff does”
    “I didnt know what to do with them…so I had V consume all 60+ items at once”

    Bruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh. Please tell me youre just trolling. Please.

  4. Pretty-Cow-765

    I mean the food and drinks all have the same buff. Some of the new stuff from phantom liberty has crazy effects. I’m just happy I can finally get my hands on black lace.

  5. So let him had all the sodas and candy…is your V now overly large and produces crappy movies that always dedicate 5min telling the audience how badass he is slapping people with a sword?

    Btw consumables do not affect your carrying capacity, leave them in, i never use them

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