
Does my cosplay as: “Matt from Wii Sports” really give off a Sim: AI: Blender: NPC type of vibe?

Does my cosplay as: “Matt from Wii Sports” really give off a Sim: AI: Blender: NPC type of vibe?


  1. nickiecz

    Dude this is amazing. I wouldn’t call it cosplay, looks like Matt is cosplaying you.

  2. Tintorius

    Wait, that is a real picture and not a cgi render? Had to actually take a second look

  3. Sativa-lizard

    I remember as a kid hating this dude cause he kicked my ass. When ever I was fighting in that volcano he would come out last too slay me. Now I know that the true culprit is still alive.

  4. you look more like Matt from Wii Sports than Matt from Wii Sports

  5. AlmostHypnotic

    lol I think it would be more obvious it was a bit if the beard had the weirdly pointy tips towards the top.

    Edit 9/10 forgot to make it clear I think this is fuckin hilarious

  6. NoConversation9358

    Nice job, I thought that was a render for real.

  7. LeafsOrks

    You just have beautiful skin. Makes well lit photos like this look fake.

  8. You look like you’re on the run (because of the orange shirt, not the color of the skin)

  9. Anal-Logical

    It’s so NPC it’s almost scary, you sure you’r not an NPC ? Seriously that’s too good.

  10. SlaughterSpine78

    Do you do boxing by any chance? Maybe even practice with swords?

  11. DMoney159

    Yes, and it kinda terrifies me. Like how do you have no lines on your face whatsoever?

  12. SwathedOrange

    You should trim your bottom part of the beard to make it triangular

  13. Willinton06

    Yeah that’s cool bro, now let’s talk about your skin care routine

  14. Need to furl the eyebrows a bit more and it’s solid

  15. GammaGoose85

    You look like a fake human created by artbreeder

  16. sdforbda

    I don’t know but if you keep posting it perhaps

  17. treewatch

    It took me multiple years to beat this guy in one round of wii sports boxing

  18. K-o-s-l-s

    I think your only problem with this cosplay is not having that thicc pear shaped mii body. So lay off the arms and shoulders and focus on downing some beers and working on your pear.

  19. ASidesTheLegend

    Looks more like Kayne, which right now isn’t really a good thing

  20. GhostlyCyborg

    Perfect Halloween costume. Just carry around a wii remote

  21. S0ulCub3

    What’s with all these synths posting on reddit

  22. Fr00stee

    legit thought this was a screenshot from a character creator

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