
What do you like more? Purple or red? πŸ€”

What do you like more? Purple or red? πŸ€”

by totallytubular710


  1. InfiniteCrumpet

    The purple, it looks more cohesive to me and I like that it feels a bit calmer.

  2. tungstencube99

    Imo go for either purple or go for a more cozy yellow-orange light if you want a change.

  3. MegaFire03

    I think both are too dark, I’d go with a warm white

  4. itsameMariowski

    I think red and black suits more the swastikas in the wall, it keeps the branding cohesive πŸ˜‚

  5. nyczalex

    I would go with the purple out of the two. Looks more calmer vs the red looking more aggresive.

    Some other colors to consider are, blue is over rated, yellow orange would be a change and white is always good and moody.

  6. bitch-i-dont-care

    purple looks better.

    this lighting would kill my eyes though, I can’t do the nightclub thing at my desk anymore.

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